The Over-the-Loop Streamflow
Forecast Demonstration Project

Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts

A selection of watersheds has been implemented for the assessment of reservoir inflow forecasting using Over-the-Loop approaches, and incorporating climate information.

The watersheds are relatively unimpaired headwater basins that provide inflows for reservoirs managed by project sponsoring agencies -- i.e., the two federal water agencies, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation.

The seasonal forecasts are updated twice per month for initialization times on 1st and 16th of each month. The forecast products show results from a variety of methods, each of which is fully automated ('Over-the-Loop'). The main products are water supply forecasts (WSFs) describing snowmelt runoff volumes -- ie for April-July runoff.

Click a Basin ID in the left pane to display the forecasts (where available).

Notice: The real-time forecast system is being refactored to include new models and forcings. Real-time products are not currently being updated online.

To Be Added