The OverTheLoop Streamflow
Forecast Demonstration Project

Several research projects at NCAR supporting the Over-The-Loop effort have been jointly funded by the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation since 2013. NOAA has also contributed funding to support the current project effort at the University of Washington.


  • Andy Wood (Lead PI, Project Lead), NCAR RAL Hydrometeorological Applications Program (Webpage)
  • Bart Nijssen (Lead PI), University of Washington Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Webpage)
  • Martyn Clark (Co-PI), NCAR RAL Hydrometeorological Applications Program (Webpage)
  • Elizabeth Clark (PhD candidate), University of Washington Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Webpage)
  • Pablo Mendoza (post-doc), NCAR RAL Hydrometeorological Applications Program (Webpage)

Sponsor Information

  • Jeffrey Arnold, US Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources, Climate Preparedness and Resilience Program, Seattle
  • Ken Nowak, Burea of Reclamation, Reseach and Development Office, Denver (Webpage)
  • Levi Brekke, Burea of Reclamation, Reseach and Development Office, Denver (Webpage)

Related Journal Papers

  • Mendoza, PA, AW Wood, E Rothwell, EA Clark, MP Clark, B Nijssen, LD Brekke, and JR Arnold, 2016, An intercomparison of approaches for harnessing sources of predictability in operational seasonal streamflow forecasting, HESS Discussions (in prep)
  • Arnal, L, AW Wood, E Stephens, H Cloke, F Pappenberger, 2016, Decomposing the sources of seasonal streamflow predictability, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. (accepted).
  • Zhao, T, J Bennett, QJ Wang, A Schepen, AW Wood, D Robertson and MH Ramos, 2016, How suitable is quantile mapping for post-processing GCM precipitation forecasts? J. Climate (accepted).
  • Pagano, TC, F Pappenberger, AW Wood, MH Ramos, A. Persson and B Anderson, 2016, Automation and human expertise in operational river forecasting. WIREs Water, 3: 692–705. doi:10.1002/wat2.1163
  • Wood, AW, T Hopson, A Newman, L. Brekke, J. Arnold, M Clark, 2016, Quantifying streamflow forecast skill elasticity to initial condition and climate prediction skill. J. Hydromet. 17, 651–668. doi:
  • Huang, C, AJ Newman, MP Clark, AW Wood and X Zheng, 2016, Evaluation of snow data assimilation using the ensemble Kalman Filter for seasonal streamflow prediction in the Western United States, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. (accepted)
  • Emerton, R, EM Stephens, F Pappenberger, TC Pagano, AH Weerts, AW Wood, P Salamon, JD Brown, N Hjerdt, C Donnelly and HL Cloke, 2015. Continental and Global Scale Flood Forecasting Systems, WIREs Water 3:391–418. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1137.
  • Newman, AJ, MP Clark, J Craig, B Nijssen, AW Wood, E Gutmann, N Mizukami, L Brekke, and JR Arnold, 2015, Gridded Ensemble Precipitation and Temperature Estimates for the Contiguous United States, J. Hydromet., doi:
  • Newman, AJ, MP Clark, K Sampson, AW Wood, LE Hay, A Bock, R Viger, D Blodgett, L Brekke, JR Arnold, T Hopson, and Q Duan, 2015, Development of a large-sample watershed-scale hydrometeorological data set for the contiguous USA: data set characteristics and assessment of regional variability in hydrologic model performance, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 209-223,
  • Crochemore, L, MH Ramos, F Pappenberger, SJ van Andel, AW Wood, 2015, An experiment on risk-based decision-making in water management using probabilistic forecasts, Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. doi:
  • Pagano, TC, AW Wood, MH Ramos, HL Cloke, F Pappenberger, V Andréassian, MP Clark, M Cranston, D Kavetski, T Mathevet, S Sorooshian, and JS Verkade, 2014. Challenges of Operational River Forecasting, AMS J. Hydromet. 15, 1692–1707, doi:

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